A patch is a large macule, 1cm or greater in diameter, as may be seen in nevus flammeus or vitiligo. 直径大于1厘米的斑疹称为斑片,如见于焰痣、白癜风。
Objective: To assess the effect of aloe glue on relieving pain and reducing the healing time after laser treatment of nevus of Ota and nevus flammeus. 目的:观察芦荟对减轻太田痣和鲜红斑痣激光术后疼痛及缩短创面愈合时间的疗效。
It suggests that Ar~+ laser is one of the better methods in treating nevus flammeus under present conditions. 结果表明,Ar~+激光是目前治疗鲜红斑痣比较好的一种方法。
Objective: to observe the treatment effect on nevus flammeus with copper vapor laser in photodynamic therapy ( PDT). 目的:观察铜蒸汽激光用于光动力疗法对鲜红斑痣的治疗效果。
38 cases of the nevus flammeus were treated by Ar~+ laser, and the result was relatively satisfying. 我们利用Ar~+激光对38例鲜红斑痣进行了治疗观察,收到了较满意的效果。
Three Cases of Nevus Flammeus with Nevus of Ota 鲜红斑痣与太田痣并发3例报告
Clinical Observation of Nevus Flammeus Treated by Ar~+ Laser Ar~+激光治疗鲜红斑痣的临床初步观察
Conclution: in the treatment of nevus flammeus, copper vapor laser in PDT has more curative effect, the side effects produced by the treatment were mild. 结论:铜蒸汽激光用于光动力疗法治疗鲜红斑痣有明显疗效,且副作用少。
Clinical research on intense pulsed light device with multiple wavelengths in treatment of nevus flammeus The propagation equations of FRAs pumped backward at multiple wavelengths are solved with two steps. 多波长光谱治疗机治疗鲜红斑痣的临床研究通过研究多波长后向泵浦光纤拉曼放大器的传输方程,分两步来确定各泵浦波的频率及输入功率的大小。